

    Manually importing NOAA Reanalysis files in TephraProb

    It is sometime necessary to import into TephraProb some NOAA Reanalysis NetCDF files downloaded manually. One of the reasons is that the NOAA server is accessed via FTP, and firewalls (such as those installed in University networks) might result in an error such as this:

    Firewalls - such as those installed in University networks- can block the FTP access to NOAA servers and result in this kind of error:

    Error using ftp/mget (line 109)
    FTP error: 425.

    In this case, it is necessary to manually download the NOAA Reanalysis NetCDF files. When working with the NOAA Reanalysis dataset (either the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1 or NCEP-DOE Reanalysis 2 versions), TephraProb will look for NetCDF files located in the folder WIND/_Reanalysis1_Rawdata/ or WIND/_Reanalysis2_Rawdata/. Each file is named variable/year.nc, where variable can be hgt (i.e. geopotential height), uwnd (i.e. u wind component) and vwnd (i.e. v wind component). Each of this file contains data for an entire year for the Global Grid defined by NOAA.

    When using the function Input > Wind > Download wind data from the TephraProb GUI, the code will first check whether files for the requested time period already exist in the _Rawdata/ folder in order to avoid multiple downloads. If they do not, well, then they are downloaded, else the downloading part is skipped and files are automatically processed, where temporal and spatial subsets are extracted.

    What we will do is manually download files from the NOAA website from a usual web browser in order to bypass the use of FTP and manually place them in the _Rawdata/ to cheat the downloading part.

    1 Download the data

    Download the raw NetCDF files from the following links:

    2 Processing

    Move the downloaded NetCDF files to the folders WIND/_Reanalysis1_Rawdata/ or WIND/_Reanalysis2_Rawdata/. Now use the Input > Wind > Download wind data from the TephraProb GUI as you would normally do, specify the right dataset and voila!