TError is a Matlab package designed to quantify the uncertainty of eruption source parameters calculated from tephra deposits. Inputs of the code are a range of field-based, model-based and empirical parameters (i.e., clast diameter, crosswind and downwind ranges, thickness measurement, area of isopach contours, bulk deposit density, empirical constants and wind speed).
TError is maintained on GitHub and was published in Statistics in Volcanology as Biass S, Bagheri G, Aeberhard W, Bonadonna C (2014) TError: towards a better quantification of the uncertainty propagated during the characterization of tephra deposits. Stat Volcanol 1:1–27.
User manual
The complete user manual for TError is available here. Check the blog to see more recent additions.
Example of applications
This list illustrates applications of TError:
- 2008 explosion of Kilauea volcano, USA Paper