CareySparks86 is a Matlab implementation of the Carey and Sparks (1986) model to estimate i) the plume height above sampling altitude and ii) the wind speed at the tropopause based on the compilation of isopleth maps. Figures 16 A-D of Carey and Sparks (1986) were fitted using polynomial methods and interpolated for continuous ranges of clast sizes and densities. The code also assesses the influence of the particle shape on the final results by matching the terminal velocity of a particle with given flatness and elongation obtained with the new drag correlations presented by Bagheri and Bonadonna (2016) with the terminal velocity of particles calculated with equation (3) of Carey and Sparks (1986).
CareySparks86 is maintained on GitHub and can be cited as Biass, S., Bagheri, G., Bonadonna, C. (2015), “A Matlab implementation of the Carey and Sparks (1986) model,”
User manual
The user manual for CareySparks86 is available here. Check the blog to see more recent additions.