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    Tephra2Utils is a toolbox of Matlab functions wrapped around Tephra2. They are independent of the version of Tephra2: a good habit is to keep the executables at the root of the Tephra2Utils/ folder (i.e. tephra2012_inversion for the inversion and tephra2-2012 for the forward solution).


    Follow the link to the homepages of each separate script for more details on their usage.

    Function Description
    plotBetaPlume.m Easily plots the mass distribution in the plume following a beta distribution
    plotT2.m Plots the output of Tephra2 on a map
    processT2Inversion.m Process the output of inversion runs
    plotT2Inversion.m Plots inversion results
    plotWind., Plots wind profiles from 3-columns, tab-delimited ascii wind files used in Tephra2
    Inversion/ Bash and pyhon scripts to run the inversion on clusters
    runT2.m Experimental